Monday, April 20, 2009

I found my way back =)

Ok so this bloggy thing is not as simple as it looks, but I'm glad I found my way back. Easter was great the boys had a blast at 3 different Easter activies over 1 week, inexpensive or free great activities. This past weekend I took them downtown for an Ecology Fair at the Landing (free) the boys had a blast making crafts, learning how to be greener and of course holding reptiles. Oh yea and speaking of inexpensive... tomorrow 4/21/09 Dunkin' Donuts is selling the iced coffees for $0.50 all day and 10% (or $0.05) will go to support Homes for Our Troops **Guaranteed minimum donation $100,000.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I also came across this super cool educational kids toy giveaway from 5 Minutes for I must say I love their page (its done by identical twin sisters who are both mothers) you can get to the giveaway by using this link For some hands-on, educational WordWorld fun, a line of toys are available at Target and recently Toys R Us. For those of you without a Target in your area, you can head to Toys R Us for a Bucket set and/or WordWorld DVD’s.This contest ends on Friday, March 27th. Winners will be announced on Saturday, March 28th. So make sure to check them out!
OK well I'm still a little confused there is soooo much to do online. So of course I must say getting free samples is kinda fun (but really time consuming) but made it a little faster and easier also today i came across and they had some cool stuff. Just wanted to make it a little easier for anyone else who wanted it. So this is week for of my new life seems to be having a slow start but that could be my fault. I registered for this account on ofcourse it sucked up more of my no money but hopefully it pays off since I have more free daytime and I don't want to get a real job yet, maybe this will work. I'll keep you posted.

And as for my little men they started Karate with and OMG it was sooo cute. But of course being the over excited two-some they are they both spent a little time watching what to do from the sidelines. I must say I was very impressed how the teacher handled the kids when they got too excited. Overall it was a great experience and we can't wait for next weeks class. They boys said they don't want to watch from the side next time and they are gonna try extra hard to understand and follow the teachers instructions. First time are always super interesting.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 2

So yesterday was a very busy day for me visiting all the different blog pages, I must say some of these pages were really nice. So tomorrow I will work on getting my page to look a little spiffy-er, sure would have been nice to win that prize, but its ok I've got to learn that part anyway. Day 2 Down

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So this is my first official blog. Yay me!! I was introduced to this idea by my sis and i decided to give it a shot. As I said today is my first day, and I must say I really enjoyed seeing everyone else's blogs. I can see that everyone has worked very hard on their pages and I hope to be able to have the same awesomness soon. Thanks for your support, keep reading to see how it goes.